My remembrance of 9/11

Today my daughter Naomi came home with an assignment from history class to interview a parent about their memories from 9/11. I wrote up the following notes not long after the event but never made them into a blog post. I read them to her and we had a good cry.

I was sitting at my desk when someone came in talking about an accident in New York, an explosion, a fire or something. We heard my boss had the news on so we went down to his office to gather around the television.

I distinctly remember watching the first tower collapse and started crying uncontrollably thinking about all the people that were dying.

The Pentagon had been struck and the news announced that the Sears Tower in Chicago had been evacuated. It felt like there was no end to the targets.

At some point work told us we could go home. The only channel I could get at home was Fox News, but I couldn’t stand the commentary so I turned down the volume and turned on the radio. I got tired of sitting in the apartment by myself so I wandered around the Fenway and called my family.

My friend John wrote about 9/11 at
